Professional Development Program






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Unit 1: Basic Ecological Concepts and Principles Related to Agricultural Systems

Agricultural ecosystems are vulnerable to the same kinds of disturbance as natural systems. They are also subject to regular disturbances brought about by farm management activities such as tillage, chemical applications, and grazing.
Agricultural systems can differ greatly in their levels of resistance and resilience, as summarized in the following table. Click on the image to learn more about each system:
Agroecosystem Stability Examples
Fragile Rangeland in Colorado

Low resistance: Ecosystem is fragile and cannot maintain productivity when subject to stress.

High resistance: Ecosystem functions continue and productivity is maintained in spite of stress.
Drought in Texas High Plains

Low resilience: Ecosystem productivity stays low for a long time before coming back to initial levels before the disturbance.

High resilience: Ecosystems are more flexible and recover quickly after a disturbance or shock.

Mark Frasier
Woodrow, Colorado
Agroecosystem Challenge: Fragile rangeland.
Solution: Range and grazing management. Frasier utilizes a holistic model for managing his ranch. He maximizes the scarce precipitation using native plants, which have developed to exist in those conditions. The dynamic relationship between the animals and plants is key. The soil surface needs the animals to break up the crust so water will penetrate. Grazing invigorates the grass, causing it to grow deeper and thicker roots. Developing a symbiotic relationship between the cattle and the land through careful grazing management has proven beneficial to the range environment. Learn more...

Rick Kellison
Lockney, Texas
Agroecosystem Challenge: Drought in Texas High Plains
Solution: Forage selection to match climate constraints. An important goal for farmers in North Texas is to remain sustainable even under drought conditions. A key part of the equation is to reduce pumping of groundwater for irrigation and rely more on forages that can remain productive and recover quickly in drought conditions. Research at Texas Tech has shown that an improved variety of bluestem provides those qualities. Learn more...

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