Professional Development Program






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Unit 1: Planning and Business Development

John Fisher-Merrit
John Fisher-Merrit markets produce direct to retail grocery stores and CSA customers in Duluth, MN. (Gigi DiGiacomo).
In order to answer these questions, a farmer or rancher will most likely have to do some research to explore market demand or contract alternatives; production requirements; start-up capital and on-going input expenses; processing and packaging regulations; and distribution options and finances.
At this phase, you may become a co-learner with the farmer, particularly if they are interested in pursuing an idea that stretches beyond your training. You should be prepared to ask questions and take your time researching the answers. To assist in this process, strategy worksheets are available online at the MISA Building a Sustainable Business website. Scroll down to Planning Task 4: Strategic Planning and Evaluation – What Routes Can You Take to Get Where You Want to Go? There are separate links for the guidebook itself and the downloadable worksheets. Strategic planning worksheet examples completed by other farmers are included as part of the guidebook.
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